Spring is the ideal time of year for a Spring Clean. I’m encouraging you to an internal spring clean that will have you sparkling on the outside as well as the ‘inside’.
Includes 1 x Kidney Cleanse Tea, 30g
1 x Liver Cleanse Tea, 30g
1 x Superfood MiVitality Challenge Pack (10 day supply)
– Deep Green Alkalising Powder
- Berry Radical Antioxidant Powder
- InLiven Probiotic Powder
The Simple Detox Pack is $149 and I will send you instructions on how to best use the Cleansing Teas and super food powders.
This is for ten days and here are some snippets of advice to help it go well.
• Plan as many salads and other raw foods for the cleansing week as you can.
• Drink water regularly.
• To (hopefully) avoid a detox headache, you can have a tea or coffee each day. However, some people prefer not to have caffeine during a cleanse.
• It is okay to include one small serving of meat, egg or cheese per day. If you prefer to be vegan during the detox you can include a small amount of extra raw nuts to help keep you satisfied.
• Don’t go hungry! If you feel peckish, eat a banana or make a small smoothie.
This is the Simple Detox Pack so there is some DIY to do: choose which salads, smoothies and juices you would like to have. The ‘rawer’ you are, the more you will accentuate the effect of the Cleanse Teas and superfood powders.
I’m starting mine next week. Who’s going to join me?
(The Deluxe Detox Pack is coming soon. It will have a complete meal plan and my input to help you not only succeed in your Deluxe Detox week but to enjoy it. I’m still putting the finishing touches to it.)
Next week: The Death of the Raw Food Diet – as posted by one of the sites I subscribe to. I have been open that I am not and do not promote an ‘all or nothing’ raw food diet. This article explores this from a long-term raw-foodist and why he now includes some cooked food. A short period of time is ideal for 100% (such as a Detox or Cleanse) or for a longer time but not often ‘forever’. I will discuss this more next week.
email: christine@gomoreraw.com
The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference when you order: an-001
Includes 1 x Kidney Cleanse Tea, 30g
1 x Liver Cleanse Tea, 30g
1 x Superfood MiVitality Challenge Pack (10 day supply)
– Deep Green Alkalising Powder
- Berry Radical Antioxidant Powder
- InLiven Probiotic Powder
The Simple Detox Pack is $149 and I will send you instructions on how to best use the Cleansing Teas and super food powders.
This is for ten days and here are some snippets of advice to help it go well.
• Plan as many salads and other raw foods for the cleansing week as you can.
• Drink water regularly.
• To (hopefully) avoid a detox headache, you can have a tea or coffee each day. However, some people prefer not to have caffeine during a cleanse.
• It is okay to include one small serving of meat, egg or cheese per day. If you prefer to be vegan during the detox you can include a small amount of extra raw nuts to help keep you satisfied.
• Don’t go hungry! If you feel peckish, eat a banana or make a small smoothie.
This is the Simple Detox Pack so there is some DIY to do: choose which salads, smoothies and juices you would like to have. The ‘rawer’ you are, the more you will accentuate the effect of the Cleanse Teas and superfood powders.
I’m starting mine next week. Who’s going to join me?
(The Deluxe Detox Pack is coming soon. It will have a complete meal plan and my input to help you not only succeed in your Deluxe Detox week but to enjoy it. I’m still putting the finishing touches to it.)
Next week: The Death of the Raw Food Diet – as posted by one of the sites I subscribe to. I have been open that I am not and do not promote an ‘all or nothing’ raw food diet. This article explores this from a long-term raw-foodist and why he now includes some cooked food. A short period of time is ideal for 100% (such as a Detox or Cleanse) or for a longer time but not often ‘forever’. I will discuss this more next week.
email: christine@gomoreraw.com
The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference when you order: an-001
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