Our eldest daughter popped in today for a designer smoothie courtesy of Smith Café. She was on her way from one job and scampering off to her next; a busy gal needs more than just your average smoothie to power her way through the rest of the afternoon without wilting.
The longer I’m raw the more I love smoothies. They suit my lifestyle well – a little bit of this, and a little bit of that, not tied to a recipe but using them as idea springboards to leap into personalised creations. Flexible me, flexible smoothie. And if you know me well enough, you’ll nod your head and say, “Yep, sounds like Christine!”
She chose strawberry as the feature flavour and since she is dairy-free it was a perfect chance to show off my coconut kefir and cream prowess.
Here’s how it went:
Sarah’s Super Strawberry Smoothie
Frozen organic bananas, equivalent of two
Frozen organic strawberries, a heaped cup
3 Tablespoons Coconut Kefir Cream
1 cup coconut kefir – (about)
½ cup coconut water
1 Tablespoon raw honey
1 dessertspoon maca powder
1 dessertspoon mesquite powder
1/3 c ground flaxseeds
1 teaspoon probiotic powder
Handful fresh greens from the garden (beet greens and perpetual spinach, use what you’ve got)
Whizz the whole lot in a Vita-Mix and enjoy the colours mingling until the strawberry takes over with the pretty pink. Add more liquid (water) if needed. Enjoy in large cup with handle (or a jug, in my case ) and slurp with a straw. Served two hungry ladies.
Enjoy not feeling hungry until dinner and not struggling with the afternoon ‘jet-lag’.
The honey offset the sour tang of kefir nicely and made it a perfect match. The sweet strawberries made their Summer presence felt but not in a dominant way. The probiotics in the kefir as well as the powder will deal to the ‘bad’ gut-bacteria (only one of the wonderful attributes of coconut – must write about it one day…).
Maca powder for adrenals, hormones and all-round ‘multi-vitamin’ and, the mesquite packs a protein punch. Neither the malt flavour of the maca nor the caramel of the mesquite was noticeable in the general flavour; both are superfoods.
The flaxseeds for essential fatty acids, fibre and other goodies and the garden greens for chlorophyll, B vitamins and phytonutrients other plants can’t offer. And what can you say about the ubiquitous but humble banana? What a fruit! Frozen banana means we enjoyed a smoothie that felt like a thick shake. Double bonus!
Shhh! Let the nay-sayers believe we eat boring food – we know better!
This recipe is copyright to Go More Raw.
NB you can buy Vita-Mix, flaxseed, probiotic powder, maca and mesquite from our Shop (NZ only except for e-books and The Seven Day Program which anyone, anywhere can buy)
email: christine@gomoreraw.com
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