Of all the weight loss ideas I have heard, this one really takes the cake. In a good way, I mean. And it could be literally, too.
Cake? Weight loss? Confused? Read on...
Listening to a panel of blokes discuss weight loss, one of them said he'd heard the simplest method yet, which pretty much guaranteed results. Here it is: you don't eat anything if you haven't made it yourself.
I've been mulling over this in my spare mental-availability-moments, and I think there's a lot to be said for it. Want pasta, ready made sauce, chippies, cake? Make it yourself.
Fancy a salad with a lovely mayonnaise? Fine; but only if you make the dressing yourself.
You can have a tea or coffee but not a hot chocolate - unless you make the mix.
Mince or steak is fine but sausages are not. Pasta is out, rice is in. Weetbix is a no-no but porridge, eggs or homemade muesli is a 'yes'. And bread, of course: tut, tut; but if you have a bread maker: easy.
I figure that this means folks would take an easier food route because all that DIY takes time. You could do some but not all. That means you'd choose something much simpler that happens to be close to it's original state. Such as fruit for dessert with cream or maybe yoghurt but only...you got it...only if you made the yoghurt yourself.
I reckon you could have a day off a week and have a take-away, meal out or a home-cooked one made with ready-made ingredients. If it all seems too much to plan (and it is a big shopping and eating change for all of us) then try baby-stepping your way into it. Make one meal per day a DIY for a few days and then add the others in as soon as you can.
I think it could be quite an exciting and interesting process. Your purse will be heavier and you will be lighter. The multinational corporations will see their stock fall and so will the Golden Arches, BK and KFC. No tears there.
I can see how making your own cake and eating it could be the icing on the top. Sorry, I couldn't help myself!
Buying my Seven Day Program (and ignoring the Seven Day bit) would be a perfect tool to make this work for you. Recipes, shopping list, movies to show you how to make your healthy food from scratch. Get your recipe books out and add more recipes to your list.
I'm liking this challenge already. Tell me what you think!
email: christine@gomoreraw.com
The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference when you order: an-001
YOUnique Gold and Silver
Buy small, affordable physical gold and silver or start a savings program towards physical gold or silver grams for as little as US$25 per month.
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Cake? Weight loss? Confused? Read on...
Listening to a panel of blokes discuss weight loss, one of them said he'd heard the simplest method yet, which pretty much guaranteed results. Here it is: you don't eat anything if you haven't made it yourself.
I've been mulling over this in my spare mental-availability-moments, and I think there's a lot to be said for it. Want pasta, ready made sauce, chippies, cake? Make it yourself.
Fancy a salad with a lovely mayonnaise? Fine; but only if you make the dressing yourself.
You can have a tea or coffee but not a hot chocolate - unless you make the mix.
Mince or steak is fine but sausages are not. Pasta is out, rice is in. Weetbix is a no-no but porridge, eggs or homemade muesli is a 'yes'. And bread, of course: tut, tut; but if you have a bread maker: easy.
I figure that this means folks would take an easier food route because all that DIY takes time. You could do some but not all. That means you'd choose something much simpler that happens to be close to it's original state. Such as fruit for dessert with cream or maybe yoghurt but only...you got it...only if you made the yoghurt yourself.
I reckon you could have a day off a week and have a take-away, meal out or a home-cooked one made with ready-made ingredients. If it all seems too much to plan (and it is a big shopping and eating change for all of us) then try baby-stepping your way into it. Make one meal per day a DIY for a few days and then add the others in as soon as you can.
I think it could be quite an exciting and interesting process. Your purse will be heavier and you will be lighter. The multinational corporations will see their stock fall and so will the Golden Arches, BK and KFC. No tears there.
I can see how making your own cake and eating it could be the icing on the top. Sorry, I couldn't help myself!
Buying my Seven Day Program (and ignoring the Seven Day bit) would be a perfect tool to make this work for you. Recipes, shopping list, movies to show you how to make your healthy food from scratch. Get your recipe books out and add more recipes to your list.
I'm liking this challenge already. Tell me what you think!
email: christine@gomoreraw.com
The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference when you order: an-001
YOUnique Gold and Silver
Buy small, affordable physical gold and silver or start a savings program towards physical gold or silver grams for as little as US$25 per month.
Blog : www.goldsilver-money.blogspot.com
ohhh so clever!