Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Christmas and Summer Class for Raw Food – Joy to the World!

Fabulous salads, sorbet, tarts and chocolate, all of the beautifully wicked food prepared...raw? It won’t get any better or more nutritious!

Every Christmas it’s the same: heartfelt promises about eating healthier over the summer. This year it’s going to be different, Go More Raw has all your nourishing Christmas food options covered.

There’s no need to compromise on traditional Christmas foods by choosing to eat raw.

This comprehensive raw food class will give you simple and delicious ways to make this holiday season your best yet! Salad’s don’t have to be the only healthy food you eat to balance the hordes of sugary sweets.
Come along to dine on gourmet food, learn exciting new culinary skills, and take a leap in the healthy direction of becoming more confident in preparing the art of raw food.

All of the salads will go very well with traditional meat dishes. They will add the ‘wow’ factor to any ‘bring and share’ event over the Christmas and summer.

The desserts will take pride of place on any table and are sure to impress your family and friends. In fact, taking along some of these dishes is the perfect way to introduce others to some of your raw secrets. Most people are curious and it gives them the chance to try something new alongside the more traditional fare.

I reckon you can have the best of both worlds: beautiful food and healthy at the same time; serving your body and mind. Win, win, I say!

Saturday, 30 November, 2 pm - 4 pm, $120 per ticket. At YMCA Northcote, Auckland. Book here.

BTW if you haven’t already done so, I would love it if you could ‘like’ my Facebook page:  Thank you!


The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference when you order: an-001

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Simple Detox Pack

Spring is the ideal time of year for a Spring Clean. I’m encouraging you to an internal spring clean that will have you sparkling on the outside as well as the ‘inside’.

Includes 1 x Kidney Cleanse Tea, 30g
  1 x Liver Cleanse Tea, 30g
  1 x Superfood MiVitality Challenge Pack (10 day supply)
      – Deep Green Alkalising Powder
- Berry Radical Antioxidant Powder
- InLiven Probiotic Powder

The Simple Detox Pack is $149 and I will send you instructions on how to best use the Cleansing Teas and super food powders.

This is for ten days and here are some snippets of advice to help it go well.
Plan as many salads and other raw foods for the cleansing week as you can.
Drink water regularly.
To (hopefully) avoid a detox headache, you can have a tea or coffee each day. However, some people prefer not to have caffeine during a cleanse.
It is okay to include one small serving of meat, egg or cheese per day. If you prefer to be vegan during the detox you can include a small amount of extra raw nuts to help keep you satisfied.
Don’t go hungry! If you feel peckish, eat a banana or make a small smoothie.

This is the Simple Detox Pack so there is some DIY to do: choose which salads, smoothies and juices you would like to have. The ‘rawer’ you are, the more you will accentuate the effect of the Cleanse Teas and superfood powders.

I’m starting mine next week. Who’s going to join me?

(The Deluxe Detox Pack is coming soon. It will have a complete meal plan and my input to help you not only succeed in your Deluxe Detox week but to enjoy it. I’m still putting the finishing touches to it.)

Next week: The Death of the Raw Food Diet – as posted by one of the sites I subscribe to. I have been open that I am not and do not promote an ‘all or nothing’ raw food diet. This article explores this from a long-term raw-foodist and why he now includes some cooked food. A short period of time is ideal for 100% (such as a Detox or Cleanse) or for a longer time but not often ‘forever’. I will discuss this more next week.



The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference when you order: an-001

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Vanilla and Mesquite Truffles

Another version of raw truffles has become my latest favourite sweet treat. It features mesquite powder which has a delightful caramel hint. It also has a good protein count, making it a good option for protein smoothies. It also contains “good quantities of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc, and is rich in the amino acid lysine as well.” It can be partnered easily with maca and cacao powder. (read more here)

So without further ado here is the recipe for…

Vanilla and Mesquite Truffles
250g macadamia nuts or cashew nuts or combination. You need a creamy nut.
500g pitted fresh dates – soak if not soft
1 vanilla bean ground or 1 t vanilla essence
1 ½ T mesquite powder
Sour Cherries (optional)

1. Grind macadamia nuts in food processor, until like breadcrumbs.
2. Drain dates and add with food processor along with ground vanilla bean or essence, mesquite and dates. Process again until the mixture forms a ball.
3. Roll into small balls using your hands and roll in mesquite or coconut.
4. Variation: 1/8 c sour cherries – depending on the size of your truffles, bury one or two sour cherries in the middle, or chop roughly and add to mix just before it starts to make a ball. You want the sour cherries to feature as little bits of ‘kick’ not get lost it in the mix.

Based on an idea from but I have ‘kiwi-ised’ it.

I have put the sour cherries, coconut and mesquite powder into a Starter Pack and discounted it by 10% for this week (NZ only). Was $44.68; now $39.95. This pack is enough for approximately 7 – 10 batches.
Yes, I know the truffle looks lost and lonely on its plate but I also told you that they were my new favourites and, it was my very last one. Time to make another batch.

It seems mesquite is a good superfood for diabetics to use: “Researchers report that mesquite is highly effective in balancing blood sugar. The natural sweetness in the pods - which comes from fructose - and the high rate of dietary fibre - pods are 25% fibre - causes the nutrients in mesquite to be absorbed slowly preventing ups and downs in blood sugar levels. With a low glycemic index of 25, mesquite requires a longer time to digest then many grains. The digestive time for mesquite is to 4 to 6 hours unlike wheat which is digested in 1 to 2 hours. These factors result in a food that maintains a constant blood sugar for a sustained time and as a result prevents hunger & is safe for diabetics.”

Since this recipe is high in dates, diabetics will need to mindful as to the best time to enjoy these truffles.


The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference when you order: an-001

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Help! My family won’t eat healthy food!

This problem comes up so often with clients; I need to regularly address it. For some of you it will be the first time you’ve seen a solution. For others, it will come as a reminder.

So...what do you ‘do’ with a reluctant husband or partner and resistant children?

Here it comes...the answer you’ve been waiting for, the magic bullet, and the solution to all your nutritional headaches....nothing! Yes, that’s right: nothing. Well, not much anyway.

What, I think, you need to avoid is changing too much, too soon. In fairness to your partner and children, you’re the one who wants the healthier changes, not them. So take the softly, softly approach and go with what will work instead of force-feeding (pun intended) and creating a food war. Neither you nor your loved ones will gain anything except a rise in stress levels. Which I’m sure you’ll agree is not exactly healthy.

Here are some suggestions to ease the transition.

1. Raw pasta is first on my list. Over the years I have been a raw food consultant the vegetable Spiraliser has been a best seller. Go here to watch me demonstrate. The unit you’ll see is currently unavailable but there is another sturdier option. Go here to buy. You can get a lot of use out of this contraption. At this time of year, carrots are a good option and in the summer courgettes are brilliant. I also use mine to make spirals (not noodles) with roasting potatoes and baking in the oven.

World Cuisine Tri-Blade Plastic Spiral Vegetable Slicer
2. Use a raw or cooked dressing to go on the top of your raw pasta. I have an ebook with eight savoury dressings/sauces (and three sweet dressings – not for raw pasta). If they choose a cooked sauce, then bite your tongue and turn the other way; at least the noodles are a salad. Perhaps they’ll try a raw sauce another time.

3. Make a ‘Snowfreeze’ style ice cream with frozen bananas. All the texture and flavour of a fast-food bought one but none of the dodgy ingredients and near-empty nutrition. Peel, chop and freeze very ripe bananas, whizz with nut milk or dairy milk in a blender, add flavour: cacao, agave, vanilla. Or make it Lemon and Coconut, or Pineapple and Mango. Or make up your own flavour combination. Use the sweet sauces in my ebook for a topping.

If your family gradually accepts any or all of the above then you’ll be well on your way to improving their health. After they know that healthy food doesn’t have to be unpalatable they may well be willing to give some other foods a try, too.

Do what you can and be satisfied that you’re doing the best you can for now.

Be patient.


The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference when you order: an-001