Perhaps you need to reassure yourself (when the going gets tough) or you have concerned friends and relatives worried about you. Why folk worry when you give up processed food for fresh, I’ll never know.
- How long before you benefit from a heath kick?
- Study links asthma to fast food.
- Eating fruit and veg will make you happier.
That should keep you busy for a while.
Keep the links handy; you never know when you might need to remind yourself or send on to a caring friend. some folk need science to convince rather than those closest to them. I don’t mind; whatever it takes for someone I care about to have their eyes opened and the opportunity to improve their health.
Hint: strongly resist the temptation to say’ “I told you so!”
Remember a couple of weeks ago I said I’d listened to an interview with the creator of InLiven and Fast Tract (Probiotic)? Well, here is the interview. It is slightly longer than an hour in length so if you don’t have a chunk of time, then break it up into tea/coffee/herbal break sizes of 15 mins each. Or if you’re really clever, download so you can play it in your car (I’m not this clever; I’m dependent on children – pathetic, really).
I hope it gives you the “Ah, ha!” moment. You can order via the www.gomoreraw.com shop, or go to www.christinesmith.mionegroup.com. These can be delivered almost anywhere in the world.
email: christine@gomoreraw.com
The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference when you order: an-001
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