I am delighted to announce dates for The Joy of Food Series. To create confidence with raw food and apply it to everyday living.

There will be four classes. You can book them as a package or choose individual classes.
If you choose individual classes, please note you really need to do the Session One: The Joy of Beginnings or the equivalent of another introduction to raw food class or workshop elsewhere. This is because the teaching and information in Sessions Two, Three and Four build on and depend on basic raw food knowledge.
The Early Bird prices finish Friday night, 2nd August.
Session One: 31 August, 2 - 4pm
The Joy of Beginning
Raw Food 101
Myths and legends
Getting the right nutrients
Cooked and raw
Raw for families
Session Two: 14 September, 2 - 4pm
The Joy of Learning
Appliances: recommended and demonstrating
Implementing and timing your new raw lifestyle
Juicing for therapy
Physical and mental changes: what to expect
The secret to opening a young coconut
Session Three: 28 September, 2 - 4pm
The Joy of Confidence
Superfoods: how you can use them and why you should consider them
Optimising and personalising raw food for your lifestyle
Philosophy vs. Sensibility
Control, balance and freedom
Smoothies and juices: the difference and when to have them
Session Four (Themed): 30 November, 2 - 4pm
Joy to the World
Summer salads that aren’t boring
Christmas raw food: mince tarts, pudding, ice cream, chocolate
You’re the boss of you: how to implement what you’ve learned for a successful summer of food
All sessions include a meal or take-home pack
Venue: YMCA, Akoranga Drive, Northcote
Time: 2 - 4pm
Early Bird Pricing – cut-off midnight 2nd August Four sessions $440
Single session $110
Standard Pricing – after midnight 3rd August
Four sessions $480
Single session $120
email: christine@gomoreraw.com
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