Okay. They’re not really ‘rules’ but they are very helpful guidelines. The more you practice the better (and healthier) you get.
Part Two
11. Invest in top quality appliances. Blender, dehydrator, juicer etc
12. Learn new things (recipes, ideas) regularly.
13. Find people who think like you do.
14. A raw food lifestyle is under your control. Don't let it control you. Freedom not entrapment.
15. Keep up healthy fats, but not too much. It is dangerous to avoid fats long term.
16. Be prepared to change things if the ratio of raw is not suiting you. It is not the same for everyone.
17. Don't allow anyone to 'should' you. What is right for them may not be for you.
18. You are responsible for your health; no one else.
19. Buy the best food you can afford; organic if possible.
20. Be content that you are doing the best you can with what you have, for now. Improvement can come naturally.
Have you heard that Donna Gates is coming to New Zealand at the end of July? Donna is the creator of "The Body Ecology Diet"; "the first of its kind--sugar-free, gluten-free, and probiotic rich—and has been adopted by doctors and health practitioners alike."
The Early Bird price for the One Day workshop has been extended for my readers until 22nd July.
If you'd like to take advantage of this marvelous opportunity to hear a renown speaker that has thousands of successful clients, please email me and I'll send you the code you need for registration.
Donna is speaking Thursday 26th July, 7 - 9.30pm ($45.50) and Saturday 28th, 9.30am - 6pm ($327.50 - The Early Bird price is $277.50). Both events are in Ellerslie, Auckland.
If you know a family with an autistic or Asperger's child, please pass this on to them. The Body Ecology Diet has been extremely successful with those on the ASD Spectrum.
Likewise, it is perfect for those struggling with candida, with a focus in the diet on the gut and probiotics.
Details for evening session and all day workshop here. Don't forget to email me for the special code you'll need to receive the extended Early Bird price.
I will be going to the Saturday One Day workshop; hope to see some of you there.
email: christine@gomoreraw.com
The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference when you order: an-001
YOUnique Gold and Silver
Buy small, affordable physical gold and silver or start a savings program towards physical gold or silver grams for as little as US$25 per month.
Blog : www.goldsilver-money.blogspot.com
Part Two
11. Invest in top quality appliances. Blender, dehydrator, juicer etc
12. Learn new things (recipes, ideas) regularly.
13. Find people who think like you do.
14. A raw food lifestyle is under your control. Don't let it control you. Freedom not entrapment.
15. Keep up healthy fats, but not too much. It is dangerous to avoid fats long term.
16. Be prepared to change things if the ratio of raw is not suiting you. It is not the same for everyone.
17. Don't allow anyone to 'should' you. What is right for them may not be for you.
18. You are responsible for your health; no one else.
19. Buy the best food you can afford; organic if possible.
20. Be content that you are doing the best you can with what you have, for now. Improvement can come naturally.
Have you heard that Donna Gates is coming to New Zealand at the end of July? Donna is the creator of "The Body Ecology Diet"; "the first of its kind--sugar-free, gluten-free, and probiotic rich—and has been adopted by doctors and health practitioners alike."
Donna Gates |
If you'd like to take advantage of this marvelous opportunity to hear a renown speaker that has thousands of successful clients, please email me and I'll send you the code you need for registration.
Donna is speaking Thursday 26th July, 7 - 9.30pm ($45.50) and Saturday 28th, 9.30am - 6pm ($327.50 - The Early Bird price is $277.50). Both events are in Ellerslie, Auckland.
If you know a family with an autistic or Asperger's child, please pass this on to them. The Body Ecology Diet has been extremely successful with those on the ASD Spectrum.
Likewise, it is perfect for those struggling with candida, with a focus in the diet on the gut and probiotics.
Details for evening session and all day workshop here. Don't forget to email me for the special code you'll need to receive the extended Early Bird price.
I will be going to the Saturday One Day workshop; hope to see some of you there.
email: christine@gomoreraw.com
The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference when you order: an-001
YOUnique Gold and Silver
Buy small, affordable physical gold and silver or start a savings program towards physical gold or silver grams for as little as US$25 per month.
Blog : www.goldsilver-money.blogspot.com
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