Today’s post has nothing to do with Raw Food. It has to do with life; specifically when life is hard.
This week I watched Suu Kyi from Burma/Myanmar with Bono. He said he was ‘star struck’ and ‘lost for words’. As an avid fan of U2 I can tell you this doesn’t happen often.
I was reminded of the song U2 wrote for her some years back, Walk On. It is a personal favourite and I have used it both in Stress & Burn Out workshops as well as for my own encouragement.
If your life is tough at the moment, this is for you.
If you feel like giving up, leaving and need to know that you’re not the only one, this is for you.
Suu Kyi has persevered under circumstances you and I would crumble under. She has held to a truth which was honourable and just, true and right.
Please accept this as an encouragement from me to you. Walk on.
I have included some of the lyrics that transfer easily to our personal circumstances (how post-modern of me) as I know that hearing it ‘live’ it can be difficult to catch lyrics clearly.
Watch it here.
And if the daylight feels like it’s a long way off
And if your glass heart should crack
And for a second you turn back
Oh no, be strong
Walk on walk on
And I know it aches
And your heart it breaks
You can only take so much
Walk on
(selected lyrics from Walk On by U2, 2000)
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