My DS (24) and DD (22) have been raving about their latest food love: Pad Thai. Since I'm not a regular restaurant attendee I had no idea, so I went browsing through my raw books and sites to see if there is a raw version of this salivating dish. It took me a good hour to come up with a version that I thought I liked and had the ingredients on hand or suitable replacements. So to save you the bother of reinventing the wheel here are the two versions I created this week.
Pad Thai - Take One
The family-that-resides-at-home all approved so I thought I was on to a good thing.
4T peanut butter
scant 1t ground coriander seeds
1T grated ginger
1t olive oil
1T cider vinegar
juice of one lemon
Mix above and add water if you want it thinner. Mix through your choice of julienned or spiralised courgettes and carrots. Add thinly sliced cucumber, capsicum or what ever you have available. Top with Avocado Sauce: 1 avocado, 3T raw honey, 1/4t chilli powder, juice of one lemon.
Pad Thai - Take Two Thursday night is our Family Dinner when our above DS and DD come home for the evening and sup with us. So I had been shopping to buy the 'proper' ingredients to see if I could wow them, too. This time I used the recipe (almost) exactly and all who had it the previous night preferred Take One. My adult son found the flavours too strong so gave thumbs down but he's not overly fond of raw food (except what he calls normal salads and the yummy cheesecake and ice cream). My daughter rather liked it but said it needed more lime. That I can fix.
I said I used the almost exact recipe...I used peanut butter* instead of chopping peanuts I didn't have, and lessened the oil. This probably makes it a little too peanutty; next time I'll use less and taste/add as I go. Also, I'll try roasted sesame seed oil. I didn't add the mint because I didn't see where I'd scribbled it down as I wrote down the recipe. Hmm... this could broaden and freshen the flavour. Again, I'll try this next time.
The 'proper' recipe:
8T chopped peanuts (I used peanut butter)
1 T coriander leaves, chopped
2T grated ginger
2T chopped mint
2T olive oil
2T cider vinegar
black pepper
2 juiced limes
Mix as first recipe and top with Avocado Sauce but use 1/2 fresh chilli instead of powder and lime juice instead of lemon.
Pile on plates or fill lettuce leaves and enjoy.
* This peanut butter (100% Nutz Ltd) is my latest find in the supermarkets. Made in New Zealand with Australian peanuts. No added sugar, salt, emulsifyers or oils. I love using NZ products that are great.
How about emailing me if you're doing the Seven Day Detox this week? ( and we can be our own Cheer Team!
And last but not least...Go the All Blacks!!! Yay!!!
Until next time, take care of yourself and those you love
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