My calendar tells me it’s Summer but the weather seems a little confused. For the last couple of weeks we’ve had wind, wind and more wind. I’m so over it. Rain I can handle – well, not too much J - but wind, it makes me jittery. However, I was pleased to see the rain as the garden needed it. In spite of watering with the hose or ‘liquid compost’ from the house, there’s nothing quite like the ‘real thing’. I forgot about the tender and sweet courgettes and two days later we’ve got huge marrows lolling across the lawn. Oh, well; I’ll peel and grate them, then toss through a salad since they’ll be too seedy for spiralising.
If you’re wondering what the ‘liquid compost’ from the house is, it’s left over tea or coffee, rinsed but not drained Vita-Mix or jug, perhaps a bowl of murky water that plates were rinsed over or, an empty bottle of milk or juice whose dregs are swished and poured. It seems a shame to tip down the drain when the garden would appreciate it. And if you think about it, that dirty water is liquid compost.
It is so easy to increase your raw food intake over Summer: fresh fruit smoothies, sorbets, raw ice cream, raw pasta made from spiralised courgettes or ribbons of lettuce or spinach, dressings to generously lavish without feeling guilt, even the ubiquitous salad can take a fresher turn when you know how to ‘pimp it up’ a bit.
Head on over to our website ( and register your interest in our Seven Day Raw Program coming up early next year. It comes with a complete menu for a week, recipes, shopping list, preparation advice and mini-movies to show you how to prepare the recipes. In other words, no thinking required, we’ve done it all for you. This program will be perfect for those who would like to Go More Raw but don’t really have the time to put it all together or would like to be shown an easier way than figuring it for themselves.
Originally, I thought it would be ready to go live in November or December at the latest. It’s so typical of me – I get excited about something and I want it now or at least as soon as possible...or sooner than that. Trouble is I underestimate how long it takes to bring a new project to the point of ‘ready to go’. My ever-patient husband just gently said, “I think it will take a bit longer than that.” I didn’t want to believe him but he’s right; as usual. So now we’re looking at late January or early February; probably; better be. I’m so excited as the Program is looking good; I can’t wait to introduce it properly to you!
A few weeks ago I told you that both the 5200 Vita-Mix and the brushed stainless steel models had dropped in price by around $200. It’s a Big Ticket item but so worth it. I was chatting to the importer recently and he was hoping to keep the price but wasn’t sure how long he could due to the volatile currency situation, so I encourage you to get yours soon if you’ve been considering buying one. How about asking for one from Santa? To sweeten you up I have both credit card and a cash (internet banking) prices. To ‘double-sweet’ the deal, I am paying the $25 courier fee. Woo hoo!
Vita-Mix5200 in red, white or black. Cash price: $1256; credit card price: $1295. Brushed Stainless Steel: cash price: $1408; credit card price: $1450. The Brushed Stainless Steel model is similar to choosing a stainless steel fridge over a normal white ware; it’s pure aesthetics.
Oh, and there’s still time if you fancy a Spiraliser in time for Christmas, too.
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