You and I probably have a few things in common. Those drawn to a way of life usually share similar interests. Of course, there will be aspects of your life that aren’t in mine and vice versa. And that’s a good thing because we are unique and make our own choices for our priorities.
For instance, the chances are very good that a fair number of you like to garden, choose free range chicken and eggs, recycle/reuse and read the labels on groceries to see if MSG lurks in its many disguises.
Frugal living is something that I enjoy. Over the years I have got books out of the library that tell me how to save money, and/or time (you usually trade off one for the other), teach me how to mend or refashion, prepare food that sustains my family as well as my purse.
Since my early family-raising days the internet has now taken over for accessibility and speed. Although I don’t think I will ever get sick of the satisfaction of turning pages of a real book.
I subscribe to blogs* and sites that inspire me and reassure me that I’m not really crazy and even if I am there are so many others crazier than me that I’m never going to be lonely.
I love learning from other people, and gaining wisdom to better equip me. Much of what I now know I wish I knew in my very early days of raising a family, although I am told I was a sandal wearer way back then. Apparently I am now a veteran hippy but my version wears make-up, colours the encroaching grey hairs and loves colourful clothes and earrings.
Today I made a laundry powder instead of the normal liquid one I usually make (actually, I've bought natural ones for the last couple of months as my time priorities lay elsewhere). I don’t pretend to have made up the recipe** and there are plenty of similar versions on the ‘net.
Here’s the one I used:
2 cups Lux flakes
1 cup borax
1 cup washing soda
1 cup baking soda
Blend everything in the food processor. My contribution to the recipe was the addition of 10 drops of peppermint oil. One tablespoon per normal sized wash is all you need. A cold water wash is fine although the washing will benefit by agitating for part of the first cycle and ‘pausing’ for a few hours or overnight. Restart in the morning and let machine finish cycle. The extra soak improves the lifting out of dirt and a better result. It also means you can experiment with using less powder and so save a bit more money.
I could talk about many other things that you might share as interests such as parenting, slow living, DIY, knitting, repurposing, herbal remedies, etc, etc. Another day, perhaps.
BTW For those of you in Auckland the Green Living Expo is on this weekend at the Show Grounds. I’m looking forward to it.
I found this recipe* on is
**, Down-to-Earth.blogspot, Wendyl’s Green Goddess
The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference when you order: an-001
For instance, the chances are very good that a fair number of you like to garden, choose free range chicken and eggs, recycle/reuse and read the labels on groceries to see if MSG lurks in its many disguises.
Frugal living is something that I enjoy. Over the years I have got books out of the library that tell me how to save money, and/or time (you usually trade off one for the other), teach me how to mend or refashion, prepare food that sustains my family as well as my purse.
Since my early family-raising days the internet has now taken over for accessibility and speed. Although I don’t think I will ever get sick of the satisfaction of turning pages of a real book.
I subscribe to blogs* and sites that inspire me and reassure me that I’m not really crazy and even if I am there are so many others crazier than me that I’m never going to be lonely.
I love learning from other people, and gaining wisdom to better equip me. Much of what I now know I wish I knew in my very early days of raising a family, although I am told I was a sandal wearer way back then. Apparently I am now a veteran hippy but my version wears make-up, colours the encroaching grey hairs and loves colourful clothes and earrings.
Today I made a laundry powder instead of the normal liquid one I usually make (actually, I've bought natural ones for the last couple of months as my time priorities lay elsewhere). I don’t pretend to have made up the recipe** and there are plenty of similar versions on the ‘net.
Here’s the one I used:
2 cups Lux flakes
1 cup borax
1 cup washing soda
1 cup baking soda
Blend everything in the food processor. My contribution to the recipe was the addition of 10 drops of peppermint oil. One tablespoon per normal sized wash is all you need. A cold water wash is fine although the washing will benefit by agitating for part of the first cycle and ‘pausing’ for a few hours or overnight. Restart in the morning and let machine finish cycle. The extra soak improves the lifting out of dirt and a better result. It also means you can experiment with using less powder and so save a bit more money.
I could talk about many other things that you might share as interests such as parenting, slow living, DIY, knitting, repurposing, herbal remedies, etc, etc. Another day, perhaps.
BTW For those of you in Auckland the Green Living Expo is on this weekend at the Show Grounds. I’m looking forward to it.
I found this recipe* on is
**, Down-to-Earth.blogspot, Wendyl’s Green Goddess
The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference when you order: an-001