Saturday, September 29, 2012

Juicing – Part Three

Health Benefits -This winter I’ve done a lot of juicing and my family have avoided cold and flu viruses. That has made the outlay worth it – no lost time in sickness, the expense of tissues and the general misery a cold or flu brings with it. Our 16 year old son started to have lots of juice after two colds, one after the other, early in the season. He’s a juice convert, now. Salad in a glass, he calls it.

Pulp Waste - Recently a friend said that because of the pulp waste of juicing, she was cutting back. I’ve been thinking about this, and whilst it does seem wasteful, it’s pretty much the just the fibre left behind. Most of the ‘goodness’ is now in the juice. If you have a compost or worm farm then officially, it’s not a waste – circle of life and all that.

I’ve found a recipe that uses carrot pulp to make a raw carrot cake. I’ve not tried it yet but I’m keen.

Health Risks - Remember that you’re drinking a lot of sugar if it’s mainly fruit you’re juicing. Whilst that isn’t particularly an issue if you don’t have health issues, it can be a consideration if you do have ‘something going on.’ Obviously, diabetes is one. Another would be certain types of cancer and candida. You need to have a chat to your doctor if you’re implemented changes in your diet, even if the changes are good ones.

Also, see a reference to Go More Raw in the NZ Herald this week, here



The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
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YOUnique Gold and Silver

Buy small, affordable physical gold and silver or start a savings program towards physical gold or silver grams for as little as US$25 per month.
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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Macadamias and Juicing – Part Two

Really Raw Macadamia Nuts – I am delighted to tell you I have sourced New Zealand grown, excellent quality (restaurant grade) and they are really and truly raw. At no time in their production have they been heated above 45C. They are $73.75/kg. They come in 500g, 1, 3 and 5kg. Email me- they’re so new they’re not even in my shop yet.

Juicing – Part Two
Recipes - Beetroot, apples and ginger, with or without lemon or lime, is lovely. I don’t like the earthy taste of beetroot so the ginger or citrus covers it nicely as well as adding to the nutrition of the juice. The colour is a wonderful ruby.

Greens, apples, mint and lime (or lemon) is delicious, too. You can include some of the lemon and lime skin but make sure it is spray free and unwaxed. Orange and grapefruit skins are too strong and bitter.

Once you know what combinations work for you, just juice what you have and enjoy. Remember not to confuse the palate with too many flavours. If it’s a bit too strong for you, then sweeten it up with another apple, carrot or whatever is around.

Sparkling water added is a nice treat; otherwise add a bit of water, if it’s too strong for you.

Organic or not organic – if you can use organic or spray free, then that is a good idea. Considering the amount of fresh produce you can put through a juicer, it can be potentially a lot of residual pesticide. That’s worth a thought, anyway.

However, if I had to choose between conventional produce and not having a juice at all, then I’d go for conventionally grown produce.

Buying a juicer – I have a Green Star. I love it for the efficient way it produces juice and leaves behind a dry pulp. To clean it takes 4 ½ minutes. I can juice a lot and keep in the fridge for two to three days before it oxidises. It does not heat the juice and destroy enzymes. For me the price was worth the paying; a serious juicer for a serious ‘juicee’. See more here.

Green Star 1000 Juicer Extractor

If you’re not sure if juicing is for you long term or your finances direct you to a much cheaper model, then I totally understand that. Upgrades can come later.

I know of someone who used to grate carrot and squeeze it through a tea towel until she could buy a juicer.

Part Three next time.



The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference when you order: an-001

YOUnique Gold and Silver

Buy small, affordable physical gold and silver or start a savings program towards physical gold or silver grams for as little as US$25 per month.
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Friday, September 14, 2012

Spring Fling

Seven Days of guided fresh, raw food gentle detox to welcome Spring and start shaping your body for Summer.

Winter as the traditional season of comfort eating is over and our bodies do not need the same amount of heavy foods. Sometimes it's hard to change eating habits and begin new ones that are appropriate to the time year.

Join me for seven days:
  * slimming salads and delectable dressings,
  * sweet treats that will satisfy without the guilt
  * smoothies that will super-charge your day
  * Menu
  * Shopping List
  * Recipes
  * My daily support
  * how-to videos

This is not a Boot Camp. It is a gentle change-over and a gift to your body. No one is going to yell instructions and motivate you with guilt and unattainable photos of gorgeous Sweet Young Things. You are already beautiful and are about to enhance your 'gorgeousness'.

Your investment is $187

Choose from these dates: Saturday, 29 Sept - Friday, 5 October
                                    6 -12 October
                                   13 - 19 October
                                   27 Oct - 2 November

Book as soon as possible - I have limited placements for 'Spring Flingers' each week. I don't cram as many people in as I can because I want to be able to give you quality support time.




The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference when you order: an-001

YOUnique Gold and Silver

Buy small, affordable physical gold and silver or start a savings program towards physical gold or silver grams for as little as US$25 per month.
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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Feel Inside (and stuff like that)

Juicing Part Two is supposed to be the post for today but it got bumped. That's because something lovely happened that I had to show you.

Flight of the Conchords have released a song for charity. It has to be one of the most endearing music videos I've watched. You have to watch the prelude of them interviewing the children to get the full benefit of the content.

Children are so simple and honest. Some of the things they say blow you away. These will make you laugh; they might even bring a tear to your eye.

The children said sick kids need juice, ice cream and pizza. So here's my contribution; changing the ingredients but keep the items on the menu.

Juice: skip the supermarket stuff, if you can. If not, buy juice that has no sugar or preservatives added. Preferably make your own juice. The simplest is to squeeze your own citrus - at the moment citrus trees are dripping with lemons, oranges and grapefruit. If you don't have any, gather up some courage and ask a neighbour who lets theirs drop on the ground and rot.

If the juice is too tart (and grapefruit can make your mouth pucker), stir in a bit of honey. Children are used to over-sweet juice so help them out a bit and make it palatable. If they don't like the 'bits' in it, strain it. You don't want a fight; you want them to drink it.

If you've got a juicer - great! Juice apples, add a green or two and call it Superman Juice, Kermit, Pretty Princess...whatever it takes to make them want it. You can juice a wee bit of beetroot to make a fabulous pink; just a little bit and some apple to cover the earthy taste and you've got a winner. Call it Rubies for the girls and Pirate Blood for the boys.

Add sparkling water if you want 'fizzy' - lemonade kind of defeats the purpose.

Ice Cream: buy very ripe bananas or wait until the yellow has some brown bits on the skin (this makes them sweeter). Peel, chop into four or five pieces and freeze. Vanilla - whizz frozen chunks of banana with 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence, 1 teaspoon honey and a wee bit of milk, yoghurt or water to make an ice cream consistency. Eat. That's it. Super easy.

Chocolate: add 1 or 2 tablespoons of cocoa. Add a few drops of peppermint essence for ChocoMint. Lemon & Coconut: zest and juice of one lemon, and a small handful of coconut. Ditto for Orange  or  Lime.  Stir through any choice of fruit for Fruity Ice Cream.  And don't forget Chocolate Chips!

Pizza: there is such a thing a raw pizza but that's for another day - it's not a quick meal to make. So make it a homemade pizza with as many toppings made from scratch as you can. This way you will avoid preservatives etc often in bought jars and packets.

Serve with whatever salad items your child likes. Match with your beautiful juice, give them raw ice cream for dessert and you've just made one heck of a healthy meal for your darling children, whether they're sick or not.




The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference when you order: an-001

YOUnique Gold and Silver

Buy small, affordable physical gold and silver or start a savings program towards physical gold or silver grams for as little as US$25 per month.
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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Juicing – Part One

Today we went to the Coatesville Market; it seemed like a nice way to celebrate Father’s Day. Whilst most of my family enjoyed fancy sausages, I went off to find the Juice and Smoothie Van I spied as we found our car park.

What to choose? Detox, Liver Booster, Flu Chaser or Tropical? Ah… Lime: my favourite flavour (close competition with chocolate). The huge platter of carrots, apples, pineapples, lemons looked wonderful and the choices of the customers in front of me whizzed through the wonder-juicer.

My turn and Mr Juice Man mentions that the lime is flavour not a lime. Making sure, I asked whether it was real or artificial. Actually, I thought I was asking a silly question. No, it was artificial – milk shake flavouring. Egads! No thanks, can I have a lemon instead, please? Sweet man. Not a problem. Whizz, bang, done. Yum.

Milk shake flavouring, indeed! I don’t think he quite ‘got’ why people like me choose juice in the first place.

Juice has been on my mind a bit lately. I’ve had questions coming my way that have made me stop and think about what and why I juice.

Juicing fruit and vegetables removes the fibre, making it easy for your body to digest the juice quickly and be easily assimilated. Nutrition is fast tracked so it’s an efficient way to hugely increase your intake of vitamins and minerals.

What to buy – choose a range of seasonal fruit and vegetables. My choices have been juicing apples and carrots (cheaper than ‘firsts’), beetroot, spinach, chard, parsley, silver beet, ginger, limes and lemons. Obviously, not all at once but a combination of three or four is a good guide.

Don’t forget what you may have in your garden – parsley, mint, chickweed, too. (Make sure you know it’s chickweed, which is slightly stretchy if you pull it.)

If you have a juicer it’s fairly straight forward. Choose your vegetables and fruit, wash, chop to suit your juicer and you’re in business.

Part Two in next Blog Post.



The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference when you order: an-001

YOUnique Gold and Silver

Buy small, affordable physical gold and silver or start a savings program towards physical gold or silver grams for as little as US$25 per month.
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