Saturday, August 18, 2012

Coconut Oil

This oil has been in the news a bit lately.

The ‘official’ dietary advice says it is bad because it is a saturated fat. The tide seems to be turning but it has a long way to go out yet. The Alternative Crowd have long said it was a good oil to use and got slammed for it. They got on and kept using it, ignoring the current opinion. Good for them; looks like they were right.

In our house it goes in Smoothies. In a Chocolate Smoothie it tastes like a certain chocolate bar – the chocolate/coconut one (wink). In other Smoothies I hardly notice it; the family don’t comment so the taste ratio must be right.

I use it as a moisturiser, make-up remover and mild dermatitis-helper. It is a very cheap and totally safe alternative to KY Jelly.

Secrets like this need to be told because they will save you mega-bucks and don’t have potential side-effects. The Big Companies don’t want you to know this because you will stop buying their stuff and they will become Little And Insignificant Companies instead.

There is so much more to learn, as this following list indicates. I have tried a few but I will be kept busy trying out a few more for some time to come.

And so for your entertainment and wisdom accumulation benefit, here is the link 

PS. Yes, I sell this in my Shop. The brand I choose is a Raw (what else would you expect ), Cold-pressed, Virgin Coconut Oil. It lasts me ages- well, about two months. The glass jar is handy for storage, too.

When you consider what this wonder-oil can do it is a frugal buy indeed.

What do you do with Coconut Oil?

Thanks to Jo from Soul Fertility for sharing this link.



The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
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YOUnique Gold and Silver

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Real Food versus Processed Food

Of Guinea Pigs and People

Poor Bingley, the geriatric guinea pig, was suffering from chapped guinea pig lips. I suppose they're called lips. It didn't seem to be affecting his ability to eat too much as he was still one fat guinea pig. However, we'd tried the home remedy of Manuka Oil but it needed something more than Level One attention. Off to the vet we went.


It turned out his teeth were about 2/3rds longer than what should be and he couldn't close his mouth properly. The vet got out his snippers and corrected the length of his incisors somewhat. Nary a squeak from the cooperative piggy. (I wish a visit to my dentist could go as painlessly).

What followed was an interesting discussion on the merits of pellets for guineas and rabbits. It turns out there are few merits; only good for putting on weight, it seems.

The pellets are too rich for them and they will become unhealthy and sick. They will do much better on fresh grass, straw, veggies and fruit. Just the day before I contemplated buying pellets for Bingley but decided against it. My reason wasn't about food value but for economics. Simply put, I was too mean to buy them. Why spend the dollars when there is grass to be picked, puha to be plucked and the odd reject fruit and veggie to give him? (He likes a bit of bread, too.)

The interesting thing was my perception that processed foods, the pellets, were better because nutritionally, they were precisely made. Sigh. Not so. I had once again fallen for the powerful marketing machine.

I reflected how the same thing applies to us. We spend large amounts of money on processed food, fast food, packets, powders and fancy drinks. All along the superior food was not too far away but often passed over in favour of the factory version. How many times have I bought a 'treat' for my children (or myself :-)) when it was better value for money and better for our health to buy The Real Thing? Fresh fruits, especially sweet with their natural sugars, perfectly designed for our enjoyment.

It really is a mind game, isn't it? We have to retrain the way we think - yes, even those of us who've been at this for a long time are still caught out when choosing food.

Just like the guinea pig, if we buy mostly processed food we will have increasing poor health. Unlike the guinea pig it might take longer for us to recognise the symptoms; or have we become so immune to the symptoms we think they're a normal part of modern life? Dull hair, brittle nails, disease, weight and skin problems. All hassles Bingley would be suffering if he was on pellets.

Funny how the advice given by the vet should be the advice given to people, too.



The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference when you order: an-001

YOUnique Gold and Silver

Buy small, affordable physical gold and silver or start a savings program towards physical gold or silver grams for as little as US$25 per month.
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Monday, August 6, 2012

Probiotics and Candida

Soon after I started work, all those years ago, I developed adult acne. For the next 25 years I struggled with it, spending a lot of money, using both conventional and alternative routes.

Seven years ago I started to use Miessence Organic Body Care and part of their Health range is InLiven - a potent probiotic. It seemed to be my miracle cure. Whatever the internal body details were, I don't know but for the first time in 25 years my skin started to clear up.

I do know that probiotics go to work first in your gut. This is the centre and most important area of your health. Without a healthy gut you cannot properly absorb the nutrition from your food. From there it moves to your liver and blood for a general balancing and clean-up. I realise that's putting it simplistically, but I'm no scientist to give it to you in 'proper' language.

It really is amazing how responsible your gut is for your health.

I have also used it to rebalance my gut when thrush was settling in. Not nice. Those of you who've had it, know what I mean.

In-Liven probiotic super food

The prices are comparable to other top class probiotics (I've checked). The thing is, InLiven and Fast Tract are the Rolls Royce of probiotics. It is a high and mighty claim made by the creator (Czerral who co-brought Spirulina to the world a couple of decades ago). But they have not been disproved. And if the price makes you baulk, consider what you pay in time and money to the doctor and pharmacist.

Your prescribed cream or over-the-counter fix-it is a drug that addresses the symptoms (the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff).

On the other hand, Fast Tract and InLiven are totally natural, fermented and contain the complete range of probiotics known, and deal with the cause of candida (the fence at the top of the cliff).

These probiotics are perfect for anyone who's been on antibiotics, recovering from chemotherapy or any 'digestive' issues.

If you are one of my readers from other countries then you can order on line at and the products will be delivered practically anywhere in the world.

Whilst you're on site, check out there other super foods, Berry Radical and Deep Green Alkaliser - both wonderful products, but to be reviewed another day.

For some fast and effective relief for thrush whilst you're waiting for delivery of your Fast Tract or InLiven try this. Peel a clove of organic and locally grown garlic (more potent), cut a couple of thin slits down the side of clove and pop into your vagina. If you're a bit 'loose' use a tampon to hold in place. It won't fix it but it will help. It works (wink).

To order you can go to my personal site If you're a kiwi, this is good because you don't pay gst; that's an instant discount of 15%.



The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference when you order: an-001

YOUnique Gold and Silver

Buy small, affordable physical gold and silver or start a savings program towards physical gold or silver grams for as little as US$25 per month.
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