Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hunger Games

Being hungry is not a game. It is not funny and I see no virtue or merit in it. Unfortunately, it seems to be automatically associated with ‘losing weight’, aka ‘dieting’. It’s pretty hard to lose a reputation once earned, so the poor diet is much maligned.

What is it about our way of thinking that endures hunger or boredom or both whilst on ‘The Diet’? Is it a passive, almost subconscious punishment for being ‘bad girls’ (or boys) in gaining the weight in the first place?

Life is too short to find ways to beat ourselves up. Goodness knows it happens enough without adding to it.

I would like to suggest to you that if you are hungry on your diet, you’re on the wrong one. If you’re bored on your diet, change it. And if you’ve paid good money only to be instructed to eat just meat for one day, eating only bread for the next and then an entire day consuming apples or whatever, then jump ship. Don’t waste anymore of your time as well as your money.

Jump ship...
Lend me your ear (okay, eye…) you…don’t…have…to…be…hungry to successfully lose weight. Heck, you might even enjoy it so much you forget you’re on a diet and it becomes a lifestyle.

At the risk of sounding like a clanging bell, raw food or high raw food has to be the easiest, most pleasant, tastiest way to lose weight. I’d also bet it was cheaper than any diet program you could show me (except I don’t gamble – I’m a good girl).

If you’re ready to make the change or know someone who is, contact me. It would be a privilege to walk with you in what for so many is the bane of our lives – losing weight.

Is there something you’d like me to write about? Please email with suggested questions or topics.



The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference: an-001

YOUnique Gold and Silver

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Iron Rich Foods

The other day a client was asking me for my opinion of iron rich foods, apart from the usually suggested meat and ‘eat more greens’. Helpful and correct advice but she needs more.

I consulted a supplier’s information catalogue and since she’s not the only friend who has low iron problems, I figured there might be more of you out there who would be interested in seeing the list.

This is also for those of you who are vegetarian or vegan; although it’s highly likely you will be familiar with most of the items on the list. I realise the Bee Pollen won’t be an option for vegans.

Bee pollen

Many of these are super foods; all of them are great for any one; you don’t need to be low on iron to enjoy the many benefits these foods bring.

Spirulina – I’d be surprised if you hadn’t heard of this one.

Bee Pollen
Acai  Powder
Goji – available as powder or dried berries
Lucuma Powder
Mesquite Powder
Maca Powder

Any of these above powders or dried fruit go easily in smoothies. All taste pleasant.

Yacon (very low GI sweetener)
Coconut sugar

These two sweeteners can be used anywhere you need agave, honey or maple syrup. You get the sweetening and the extra iron.

Flaxseeds; these could include flaxseed crackers, or grind and use in smoothies (I do this every time I make a smoothie). You can also add to raw muesli or granola.

Nori and other sea vegetable products; make raw sushi (or real). Use as wrap for salads, cut up and toss through salad.

There are so many ways you can increase your iron intake, you just have to know how. You don’t have to include everything at the same time – could be a little OTT (over-the-top) and more than your body can use at once.

If you’re trying to increase your iron count, please stay in touch with your doctor and don’t try to ‘go it alone.’ Iron deficiency can be a serious issue. The good news is that there are alternative options to the orthodox approach of meat, greens and iron supplements. I hope your doctor is supportive as you to try to make progress.

For our New Zealand readers, all these items are available at  For our international readers, I hope you don’t have trouble finding a local supplier. If you do, please let us know and we may be able to ship to you.

Till next time, enjoy tasty, good food, mostly raw.



The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference: an-001

YOUnique Gold and Silver

Buy small, affordable physical gold and silver or start a savings program towards physical gold or silver grams for as little as US$25 per month.
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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Smith Café

Our eldest daughter popped in today for a designer smoothie courtesy of Smith Café. She was on her way from one job and scampering off to her next; a busy gal needs more than just your average smoothie to power her way through the rest of the afternoon without wilting.

The longer I’m raw the more I love smoothies. They suit my lifestyle well – a little bit of this, and a little bit of that, not tied to a recipe but using them as idea springboards to leap into personalised creations. Flexible me, flexible smoothie. And if you know me well enough, you’ll nod your head and say, “Yep, sounds like Christine!”

She chose strawberry as the feature flavour and since she is dairy-free it was a perfect chance to show off my coconut kefir and cream prowess.

Here’s how it went:

Sarah’s Super Strawberry Smoothie
Frozen organic bananas, equivalent of two
Frozen organic strawberries, a heaped cup
3 Tablespoons Coconut Kefir Cream
1 cup coconut kefir – (about)
½ cup coconut water
1 Tablespoon raw honey
1 dessertspoon maca powder
1 dessertspoon mesquite powder
1/3 c ground flaxseeds
1 teaspoon probiotic powder
Handful fresh greens from the garden (beet greens and perpetual spinach, use what you’ve got)

Whizz the whole lot in a Vita-Mix and enjoy the colours mingling until the strawberry takes over with the pretty pink. Add more liquid (water) if needed. Enjoy in large cup with handle (or a jug, in my case ) and slurp with a straw. Served two hungry ladies.

Enjoy not feeling hungry until dinner and not struggling with the afternoon ‘jet-lag’.

The honey offset the sour tang of kefir nicely and made it a perfect match. The sweet strawberries made their Summer presence felt but not in a dominant way. The probiotics in the kefir as well as the powder will deal to the ‘bad’ gut-bacteria (only one of the wonderful attributes of coconut – must write about it one day…).

Maca powder for adrenals, hormones and all-round ‘multi-vitamin’ and, the mesquite packs a protein punch. Neither the malt flavour of the maca nor the caramel of the mesquite was noticeable in the general flavour; both are superfoods.

The flaxseeds for essential fatty acids, fibre and other goodies and the garden greens for chlorophyll, B vitamins and phytonutrients other plants can’t offer. And what can you say about the ubiquitous but humble banana? What a fruit! Frozen banana means we enjoyed a smoothie that felt like a thick shake. Double bonus!

Shhh! Let the nay-sayers believe we eat boring food – we know better!

This recipe is copyright to Go More Raw.

NB you can buy Vita-Mix, flaxseed, probiotic powder, maca and mesquite from our Shop (NZ only except for e-books and The Seven Day Program which anyone, anywhere can buy)



The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference: an-001

YOUnique Gold and Silver

Buy small, affordable physical gold and silver or start a savings program towards physical gold or silver grams for as little as US$25 per month.
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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Bugs Bunny, Pop-Eye & the Optometrist

The other day I went to the optometrist for a checkup. As I was leaving he told me to “eat broccoli, spinach and carrots” for good eye health. He finished with, “You are what you eat, you know.” Yes, I know.

“Oh, yes”, I replied “I eat a lot of raw food.” He didn’t know what I meant ( I could tell from the non-reaction), and up-skilled me some more by saying that the greens were better for my eyes than carrots. Resisting the temptation to explain what raw food meant, I assured him that I certainly would eat my broccoli, spinach and carrots and left with a smile on my face.

I instantly knew what my next blog would be about.

You all know how to eat cooked broccoli, spinach and carrots but what about interesting and tasty ways to eat them raw?

Eye-Health Food 101

Baby spinach is lovely in salads and also very easy to add to smoothies. In fact, you can consume a lot more spinach in a smoothie than on a plate. Don’t be put off by greens in your smoothie; it can’t be tasted if you balance it with other flavours. Strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, mangoes all cover the taste of spinach. Even a Chocolate Hit* smoothie does the trick. It turns your smoothie a little green, pink-green or blue-green depending on what you choose as a partner. Think of it as Smoothie-Art.

I have to say I haven’t tried broccoli in a smoothie and don’t feel inclined to. Cut into little trees they hold generous amounts of dips.  Sliced they can become a Slaw. Used with cauliflower they can feature in a ‘risotto*’. Or just scatter slivers through a salad.
Cauliflower Risotto (from the Seven Day Program)

Carrots make a fabulous juice addition (or by themselves) as they are naturally sweet. The juice has an amazing colour. Juicing allows you consume six or more times more than you would ever eat in a salad. Whilst you’re at the juicer, feed through some spinach leaves, too. Of course, carrots make a faithful and obvious salad addition.

When I was a kid I would choose a big carrot, slice down the middle and scoop out the long core. Then I would stuff it with cheese. Yum. Now I would skip the cheese and replace with a nut cheese or thick dip*; so many to choose from. A raw (dairy or goat) cheese would be nice, too.

My Optometrist would be impressed.

*These recipes are in our Seven Day Program.



The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference: an-001

YOUnique Gold and Silver

Buy small, affordable physical gold and silver or start a savings program towards physical gold or silver grams for as little as US$25 per month.
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Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I like to collect interesting articles about food, health and beauty. 
Some become inspiration for the blogs I post and others are just, well, interesting. 
The most recurring one by a country mile, is weight. Apparently women obsess about it. I confess to thinking about it regularly but obsess? Not sure. You'd have to define obsession.
Losing weight seems to dominate women's magazines, regularly working their way through the seasonal boot camps, diets and what works for celebrities. Sigh. There must be better things to obsess about.
There's nothing wrong with thinking about it, after all, if you think you need to lose a few kilos you probably do.

How are you going to do it? Thinking needs to become action otherwise nothing happens.
Instead of jumping in the proverbial deep end, I suggest you choose one thing to get you started TODAY. When you feel ready move to the second change on your list. 
My list goes something like this; eliminate from your eating anything with MSG, hydrogenated fats (transfats) and artificial sweetener.
Those three things alone will go a long way to make radical but simple changes for the better. Mainly because it means that you'll have to start eating more foods as close to their original state as possible. Processed foods typically have one or all three of those three 'baddies'.
You can start to include more salads, fresh fruit, raw nuts and whole (cooked) foods. New ways of preparing food will now become normal to you. Before you know it some weight will start to fall urging you on to a healthier you.
Little bit by little bit the ripples will extend from the stone you dropped (the decision) in the water (your life).

Protein Power Salad (from the Seven Day Program)

And of course, it goes without saying (but I'll still say it...) eating more raw food can help you achieve weight loss the easy and economical way (compared with tho$e weight lo$s companie$).



The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference: an-001

YOUnique Gold and Silver

Buy small, affordable physical gold and silver or start a savings program towards physical gold or silver grams for as little as US$25 per month.
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Saturday, March 10, 2012

What Do Gwyneth, Beyonce and Jennifer Have In Common?

Hello!!  Yoo hoo!! Over here!!

How does one stand on a box and wave madly over the internet?

I’ve got a Pop Quiz for you:  “Gwyneth Paltrow swears by it, Beyonce Knowles is a devotee and Jennifer Aniston can't get enough.” Hint: it’s to do with food. Give up?

Well, it’s to do with detoxing, which is something raw food is really good at doing. Changing over from a typical, mostly cooked way of eating to one of mostly uncooked or raw or exclusively raw is highly likely to begin the detox process.

The Seven Day Program wasn’t designed as a detox but the chances are very good that your body will respond like it is detoxing. Especially if you do as much of the week as possible raw.

Specifically, the foods mentioned in the article (Foods to cleanse your system; are red capsicums (bell peppers), avocadoes, garlic, ginger, lemon and leafy greens. All these foods are normal and regular features in a raw food kitchen.

It’s a great list but do you know how to use these babies in your meals? Our Seven Day Program is only one of the many options out there, and buying it will save you a lot of time figuring it out for yourself and money by saving you the bother of mistakes. The saving of time and money are both likely to get your attention.

Interestingly, the article does not address what these ladies do once they’ve achieved their detox time. A raw food menu will begin to redirect you from a low fat detox (a limited period of time, please!) to how to include healthy EFAs (essential fatty acids – yes, you read right they are essential). If anyone has the ears (or Twitter) for these ladies, perhaps you’d like to direct them my way.

As for you other health-seeking, optimum life, food lovin’ folk, you already know where to find me.

Till next time



The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference: an-001

YOUnique Gold and Silver

Buy small, affordable physical gold and silver or start a savings program towards physical gold or silver grams for as little as US$25 per month.
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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Making Movies On Location

“She’s making movies on location…” Not quite what Dire Straits had in mind but I can make the line fit the occasion. The “She” is me and “location” is our kitchen. I am a reluctant Movie Star being a camera-shy kinda gal since I was a child. But I was very brave and firmly put my fears to one side so we could make movies for you.

Once I got past the first few awkward ‘takes’ I confess I started to enjoy it. The camera-shy could become camera-vain and fancy herself as a TV Raw Food Coach. Now there’s an idea…

For those of you who like to watch how a raw recipe is done, not just reading, trying to ‘see’ the result then you will be extra happy with what the Seven Day Program includes. Almost all of the recipes have a video to match because we knew that for some, the change from conventional cooking to raw food (un)cooking can mess with your mind. Oh, and there are colour photos of the prepared food all through the recipe book, too.

When Grandma changed over from her wood stove to an electric one, it would have been a huge mind shift but she didn’t have the luxury of videos and the only movies around in her day were silent, black and white and on the big screen in the city. What a marvellous age we live in.

Once you’ve bought The Seven Day Program your videos are in the Members Area so you don’t have to go searching around YouTube. Yes; we thought of everything to help you lose weight and improve your health as easily as possible by going a little or a lot more raw.

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Everything has been done for you except for one missing piece – YOU! I can’t be you – that’s your job; I’ve got enough on my hands being ‘me’!



The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference: an-001

YOUnique Gold and Silver

Buy small, affordable physical gold and silver or start a savings program towards physical gold or silver grams for as little as US$25 per month.
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