No New Year Resolutions for me. However, it seems a media obligation to write about theirs and encourage us to do the same. Why do we do this to ourselves? We all want prosperity, weight loss, job promotion, a family that doesn’t fight and to pay down our debt.
But the chances are that we’re making the same or similar resolutions each year. It seems a logical conclusion that our annual cultural habit of making promises to ourselves doesn’t come close to the reality we’d like, otherwise we’d be making different resolutions.
So, I decided I am going to make gradual improvements and baby-step my way forward. Most professions have career advancement or training opportunities and improvement expectations, so why not treat our everyday lives as that, too.
I call this a regular mini life-audit. We could all benefit from it. More regularly than once a year.
I choose small changes that are easily achievable and work my way through slightly more challenging ones. Just like the multi-choice questions in an assesment test – start simple, gradual increase in difficulty, stop when you reach your limit. Then go learn some more and re-sit the life-test, again and again, doing a little bit better each time. Seems like an example I can apply to my life. And it sure seems easier than setting up New Year Resolutions…again.
Some time back I realised that diets don’t work long term. They’re a billion dollar industry but probably a rort. The baby steps that need to be worked towards is a mind change from ‘diet’ to ‘life style change’. The word ‘diet’ implies clearly “temporary change, probably uncomfortable but don’t worry you can go back to your normal eating soon.” That’s why I don’t like to use the expression ‘raw food diet’. Sure, eat only raw for a while to lose weight and you probably will but unless it becomes a way of life and not a temporary blip, it will also become a ‘fail’.
That’s why we’ve got the Seven Day Raw Food Program coming up soon. Anyone can do almost anything for a week. It doesn’t take the same commitment or ‘sacrifice’ as, say, three weeks or a month. Seven Days can give you a taste (pardon the pun – couldn’t help it) of what it’s like to eat more raw food. And you’re going to be surprised if you thought it was boring, tasteless and expensive. You’re thinking about all those yummy cooked foods you’ll miss – how could raw food replace those lovely cakes, delicious ice cream and crunchy biscuits?
The Seven Day Raw Food Program will help you develop a new eating life style that is not a diet. You have nothing to lose except perhaps some weight and, possibly a lot to gain: perhaps you’ll notice less tiredness and more energy (after your body has, ahem, had a sweep out). Maybe a niggling health issue that you’ve kind of gotten used to will improve. It’s quite likely that you will feel ‘more alive’; hard to explain but you’ll know what I mean when it happens to you.
Perhaps the old age degenerative conditions we’ve come to expect as normal aren’t supposed to be a given. I reckon it’s worth a go. Once you’ve done your Seven Days, you might be ready to keep going and work towards transitioning from mostly cooked to some cooked/mostly uncooked foods.
It’s do-able and we’re here to help you!
Here’s an article from The Sydney Morning Herald that supports what I’ve said about dieting versus life style.
Happy New Year, everyone!
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