Saturday, November 12, 2011

Reluctant Husbands and Desserts

When I write a book on Raw Food I'm going to put the chapter on desserts and sweets treats at the front. It's usually the first place I head to in a new recipe book and inevitably it's towards the end of the book. I reckon most of you understand. Bearing that in mind, I recommend desserts and sweets treats as one of the first raw foods you use to convince your husband or children that raw food is a good idea.

The idea of raw noodles made with zucchini is quite normal to me but once upon a time it wasn't. It is easy to forget how this messes with someone's mind when suggested for the first time. So what's a mother to do when she's ready to start introducing more raw food to her family in her quest for optimum health for her loved ones? It's pretty tricky to convince a meat-lovin', pasta eating, white bread and ice cream hubbie or teen to try something that, quite frankly, sounds weird.

Forget the raw pasta, sprouts, and green smoothies for now. Yes, I know they're good for them and if they'd only just try it....Back off Barbie! Take my advice, hold your tongue and wow them quietly and matter-of-factly with a slice of Berry Cheesecake or a Chocolate/Mint version. How does Lemon & Coconut Ice Cream sound? Chocolate Ice Cream? What about Brownies, Date & Nut Truffles or Strawberry Thickshake? To be fair, a new food can take a few tries to be adopted into the family menu, and the texture of raw ice cream isn't exactly the same as a dairy version but it won't take long to aquire a taste if it tastes good.

Once your family begin to be accustomed to raw desserts, the light will go on that raw food isn't as weird as it first sounded and they don't have to become a "hippy" to go more raw. They might even be open to trying some other options - like raw pasta!

Whatever the timeline in your house, try to respect the choices of your husband and older children and be the advertisement. I can't promise you will get raw converts but I can be sure you will have a more peaceful atmosphere than if you were the pushy but well-intentioned wife/mother. I still have children who peer suspiciously at something new but others who are very happy with a new raw dish.

Aoplogies if you're the man-of-the-house reading this. If so, I'm sure you can apply the principle to your situation.

If you'd like to give Chocolate Date & Nut Truffles a try click here.

Product review: in this section I will endeavour to regularly give you my opinion and experience in either a food, appliance or body care product.

This week - Waihi Bush Oils. A certified organic, New Zealand grown source of Omega 3, 6 and 9. A range of oil blends to suit various health issues. The company also makes LSA which is an important product for those using a Liver Cleansing Diet. There are beautiful Flax soaps which I have thoroughly enjoyed using. All of these  products will be on my site by the middle of this week but if you know what you want then email me your order. Using Waihi Bush Oils eliminates the possibility of ingesting heavy metals associated with some fish oils.



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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Socialising With Friends and Family Who Are Not Raw

Choosing a high raw way of life need not be socially isolating.

I enjoy meeting a friend for a coffee and a chat (it’s cheap therapy - compare $7 with $120 an hour for a counsellor!). Since most cafes do not offer raw options I will not create a fuss and ask to find one that does.

My preference is to enjoy the company of my friend without her feeling pressured to, a) not have coffee and a piece of cake or, b) find a café that serves raw.  I can see that as being too hard and pretty soon my friends will not want to meet me. The last thing I want to do is put my friends off the merits of being raw; although I would not come across as being high-and-mighty about it, perception is everything and I’m pretty sure that’s how I’d feel if the situation was reversed.

In a situation like this I choose to do what is best for my friend. I try to keep the big picture in mind – a coffee and piece of cake is not going to ruin me. Eating out for a meal is another story as it’s perfectly acceptable to eat salad with no meat without setting yourself apart as ‘different’.

Similarly, if I’m eating at a friend’s place, either for morning/afternoon tea or for a meal, I will always accept graciously and gratefully what they have prepared.  An allergy would be an obvious exemption but I don’t have any. For me, to refuse a food that has been offered in friendship and perhaps even prepared especially in anticipation of my visit would be the height of rudeness. No amount of ethical rawness would justify a refusal by me.

Likewise, if I host a friend for tea or meal I wouldn’t foist a totally raw meal or sweet on them. I will make a raw option and tell them what it is so they can choose.  Most friends will ‘give it a go’ and be pleasantly surprised at how nice it is.

Left to their own timing and choosing, you may be surprised how many family and friends 'cross over' or at least increase their healthier options. When I counted up how many have been influenced by my high raw choices, I am both surprised and humbled. Be the advertisement and not a 'nag'.

Product review: in this section I will endeavour to regularly give you my opinion and experience in either a food, appliance or body care product.

This week - maca powder. Contains high amounts of vitamins, minerals and enzymes, all essential amino acids & nearly 60 phytonutrients. The extraordinary health benefits...are due to the way it promotes optimal functioning of the hypothalamus & pituitary glands. Maca contains unique alkaloids...(more info) Perfect in smoothies or mixed with cereal, maca has a pleasant malt flavour that mixes perfectly with cacao. You can have between 1 and 5 teaspoons a day; the more you have, the greater the benefits. It has become a staple in my house. Comes in 250g, 500g & 1 kg packs. Can be couriered anywhere in New Zealand. I can courier overseas but you may be able to find a supplier near you.



The Anglo-Far East Company
The Original Private Gold and Silver Bullion Custodian
Your reference: an-001

YOUnique Gold and Silver

Buy small, affordable physical gold and silver or start a savings program towards physical gold or silver grams for as little as US$25 per month.
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